money coaching resources
Blog Articles
Harmony Unveiled: Nurturing Spiritual and Material Balance in Your Life
In the pursuit of a fulfilling and meaningful life, striking a delicate balance between the spiritual and material realms is a journey worth undertaking. Achieving equilibrium between these aspects can lead to a sense of wholeness and purpose that transcends the boundaries of our everyday existence.
The Power of Positivity: Shaping Your Path with a Positive Outlook in Coaching
In the realm of coaching, the significance of a positive outlook and perspective cannot be overstated. As individuals embark on their personal and professional development journeys, the lens through which they view challenges, setbacks, and opportunities can profoundly impact their overall success and well-being.
Harmony in Progress: The Symbiotic Relationship of Coaching and Artificial Intelligence
In the contemporary landscape of personal and professional development, coaching and artificial intelligence (AI) are forging a powerful alliance. This synergy is not about replacing human coaches but enhancing their capabilities and offering new dimensions to the coaching experience.
Do You Know What Money Types Are Driving Your Financial Life?
Money Types Money types represent archetypal patterns and behaviors that influence our daily decisions and emotions around money at an unconscious level. We all have them and everyone is invited to attend our upcoming webinar to learn more about the eight money types...
8 Money Types Defined
The concept of psychological archetypes was originally advanced by Carl Jung, the father of modern psychology. In Jung’s psychological framework, archetypes are innate, universal prototypes that are highly useful for interpreting observations or behaviors that are...
Are You Cheating On Your Spouse — Financially?
“Yes, I paid that bill.” There are two primary reasons why people hide money moves from their significant other. Number one: “You might feel controlled by your partner, so you act out as a form of rebellion,” says money coach Deborah Price, CEO and founder of the...